Time-saving Tips for ClinCheck® Pro: Multi-tooth Selection

When you aim to gain productivity in digital treatment planning, it helps save time using tools that maximize our effectiveness. For many of us orthodontists, the digital transformation can be negatively affected by the intrusion of digital treatment planning software into our daily and weekly routine. This software is a crucial component to designing treatment with a digital workflow critical to successful outcomes. The blurred lines from technology have brought benefits and resulted in information overload and blurred the boundaries between work and non-work time. Therefore, we must maximize our productivity while using software such as ClinCheck®. We gain that productivity by streamlining the process through prescription systems and time-saving tips that reduce the time we use to modify treatment plans within ClinCheck Pro.

Almost all software has shortcuts and tools that help us save time while using them. For example, holding the Control-C keys in a PC or Command-C in a Mac is a shortcut to copy. Using the Control-V keys in a PC or Command-V in a Mac will allow you to paste the content. Instead of going to the menu – edit and copy, then menu – edit paste, we can use a set of keyboard commands to save time editing a document. ClinCheck and other digital treatment planning software are no different and have many shortcuts that help us gain productivity.

ClinCheck Pro Multi-tooth Selection

ClinCheck 6.0 multi-tooth selection tool

One such time-saving tool is the use of multi-tooth selection in the ClinCheck software. All ClinCheck Pro software versions have had a multi-tooth selection tool. In most of these, the doctor can hold the Control key and click on several teeth. This shortcut will select individual teeth throughout the arch. Another shortcut coming out in the new version of ClinCheck 6.0 is the ability to choose a range of teeth holding down the Shift key. With this tool, we can select the terminal tooth on one side and hold shift and click on the terminal tooth of the desired selection, and the software will choose all of the teeth in between.

When we select the desired teeth, we can modify the positions and movements of all of those at one time. One example of this is when you wish to change the treatment to the lower incisors. Instead of selecting and moving each tooth individually, you can use the multi-tooth selection tool and move all four incisors at one time as a unit.

Implementing this time-saving tool, along with others available in the software we work with, offers a great benefit. Gaining even small amounts of productivity adds up and helps us regain control of our priorities.

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