Terminal Velocity in Digital Orthodontics

Orthodontics has limitations, and an orthodontic team has gained tremendous capacity and ability to treat patients. Technology and advances in the art and science of orthodontic treatment have reduced the length of visits. Likewise, treatment time and friction for patients to start their orthodontic journey have also diminished. As a result, doctors can treat far more patients than ever before.

When orthodontists had to pinch bands, solder tubes, and customize and craft every part of the appliance, it created a maximum capacity on how long it took to strap up a case. Standard edgewise braces limited doctors with wire bends and manual effort to reach the desired result. These factors limited how many patients could be seen by each orthodontic practice. The limitations of appliance design and mechanotherapy dictated the productivity of each orthodontic team. Fast forward to today, and we encounter many advantages to current appliances and treatment systems while we reach the limitations of existing options in treatment.


Our specialty has evolved in doctors’ skills and the technology driving change. We are amidst a new evolution as digital orthodontics has offered a more customized approach to treatment and mass customization at scale. Bracket bonding, pre-adjusted appliances, nitinol wires, 3D printing, digital design, and customized devices have revolutionized orthodontics to gain capacity and more efficiency. Small and large innovations in orthodontic treatment continue to change how we care for patients.

Terminal Velocity

Terminal velocity is the maximum velocity attainable by an object as it falls through a fluid such as air. It is a term I like to use when considering the evolution of digital orthodontics and the available resources. The capacity of a doctor and an orthodontic team are directly related to the advances in treatment systems. The expansion in productivity is related to materials, digital workflows, data, and technology driving the change. Because technology is available, it does not mean efficiency and capacity increase. Digital work gains in terminal velocity by advances in effectiveness and the ease of integration.

When it comes to digital work, efficient development of treatment plans and a seamless digital workflow that saves doctor and staff time are critical to gaining productivity. Technology leveraged with automation and optimized workflows take the evolution to the next level. Consider a robust process with data-driven decisions that leverages the latest advances in efficiency and efficacy for digital appliances and increase your terminal velocity.

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