My Thoughts on Playing the Infinite Game in Orthodontics

We can divide the world into finite thinking or infinite thinking. Scarcity or abundance can play into decisions, where some play to beat those around them, and others play to be a better version of themselves. I wrote a few years ago in Outdo Yourself about the struggle competition can create when our goal is to beat the rest and how concepts of winners vs. losers come into many companies and practices. Some around us play to win, while the infinite players continue to play the game.  

One of my favorite books is the Infinite Game by Simon Sinek. Simon explains that often in life, we are playing the infinite game but struggle with a finite mindset. In life, relationships, business, and other infinite games, we get into trouble when we play with a finite attitude. When we play solely to win, consequences lead to a loss of trust, innovation, and cooperation.

The orthodontic practice is not about winning or losing

We don’t “beat” anyone when we do what we do. Those cases you started yesterday were not a battle won but an opportunity to change someone’s life. Patients bond and debond, and we get to keep influencing more the next time around. We have years where we get ahead, and time we can fall behind. But ultimately, it is our team’s journey as we care for people.  

Reflecting on this year, a year so full of turmoil and disruption, I can’t help but remember what I have read about the infinite game. We aim to do better than we did before and to stay in the game. When practices shut down, we had a great concern about public health and safety, but underlying that concern was the loss of the ability to continue the game. For many businesses, the game is over. At least for now. For many of us, I would venture to say this was a year where we set aside those finite goals we had for the year, and we focused on staying in the game. Let’s hope for a prosperous new year filled with greater opportunity in 2021. Thanks for being a part of the OrthoMasterClass journey.   

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