5 Methods to Streamline ClinCheck Workflow

When we scale up the use of Invisalign®, we realize that we spend time preparing ClinChecks® throughout the day. Many doctors are finding it particularly frustrating that they also have to add personal time to ClinCheck development. Let’s consider five techniques to streamline the ClinCheck workflow. If you use cloud-based CAD software, these tricks will reduce doctor time and improve your ability to do ClinChecks.

Optimize your login

Before we can begin working on cases with ClinCheck software, we have to log onto the Invisalign Doctor Site (IDS). Doing this several times a day while spending a few minutes searching the site can add up. This shortcut may seem small, but you will realize there is an opportunity for greater efficiency. Take advantage of the login tools your web browser has to offer. If you use a Mac, Safari can link to TouchID and save your login info.  In other words, a simple fingerprint can enter it for you. On a PC or a Mac, I also like to use Google Chrome and manage passwords by setting up my login with the Autofill feature. 

Setup Rx systems

Consider how you approach each type of malocclusion and design pipelines of communication with your technicians. As a result, your ClinChecks come prepared beyond global protocols. Implement an Rx by design process like the Nine Treatment Plans and see your revisions decrease. Early communication about treatment goals and treatment objectives will greatly reduce your revision time.

Implement a project management application

These third-party applications allow doctors to collaborate, communicate and automate many steps in the digital workflow. We have found that delegating many of the repeatable steps in setting up digital treatment plans will save a tremendous amount of doctor time. Please take a look at a few options in the course I introduced project management apps and take a deeper dive into this week’s lesson on the Meistertask software.

Add hyperlinks from the Invisalign Doctor Site

When you use a cloud-based system for clear aligner treatment, you can copy URL links and use them within project management apps. This allows you to shortcut the search of specific patients and take you straight into the relevant patient card. Consequently, this process skips steps in navigating the IDS and takes the doctor right to the appropriate ClinCheck treatment plan.

Use 3D controls

We can leverage the virtual tools embedded in ClinCheck software to improve your workflow dramatically. Instead of text comments from a doctor to a technician, you can eliminate any miscommunication and streamline the response. The 3D controls implement edits exactly as the doctor envisions them. This software feature was a huge leap forward in CAD workflow. I encourage you to use it as the primary option for revisions. Although some requests will need short sentences for the technicians, using 3D controls will minimize the back and forth communication. Therefore decreasing the number of modifications required for each case. Using 3D tools is critical to reducing doctor CAD time. 

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