How the 7 C’s of Mental Toughness Can Help an Orthodontic Team

Mental toughness is a crucial trait in all aspects of life, and the orthodontic profession is no exception. Orthodontic teams face numerous daily challenges, from complex patient cases to tight schedules and demanding workloads. In such a high-pressure environment, mental toughness is vital to staying focused and determined in adversity. A team with strong mental toughness can overcome obstacles and work together effectively to provide the best possible care for their patients.

In his book Mind Gym, David Casstevens outlines seven C’s of mental toughness that can help individuals develop this crucial trait. These seven C’s are competitiveness, courage, confidence, control, composure, consistency, and commitment. Each of these C’s is important, and together they form a comprehensive framework for building mental toughness. By developing these qualities, individuals can become more resilient, better able to handle stress, and more likely to succeed in all aspects of life. In this blog post, we will explore how mental toughness can benefit orthodontic teams and discuss the seven C’s in more detail.


Competitiveness means having a strong desire to succeed and achieve your goals. In addition, it’s about having a competitive edge and a drive to be the best. Setting challenging goals, seeking feedback, and continuously improving your skills is essential to build our competitiveness.


Courage means facing your fears and taking calculated risks. It’s about the confidence to step outside your comfort zone and embrace new challenges. Regular small risks are vital to developing courage, learning to manage your fears, and building a solid support system.


Confidence is about believing in yourself and your abilities. It’s the foundation of mental toughness, allowing you to stay focused and motivated even when facing complex challenges. Set achievable goals, practice your skills, and remember your past successes to improve your confidence.


Control means focusing on what is within our power and crucial to achieving inner strength and resilience. Instead of worrying about what we cannot control, we should shift our attention to what we can control – our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Furthermore, doing so can cultivate a sense of agency and autonomy, which is essential for building mental toughness. Through self-discipline, mindfulness, and a willingness to let go of external factors, we can develop a strong sense of control and better handle life’s challenges.


Composure means maintaining your poise and keeping your emotions in check. Ultimately, when things are not in our control, we need the serenity to stay calm and level-headed, even in high-pressure situations. To improve this quality, practice mindfulness techniques, such as visualization or self-talk, and learn to manage your emotions effectively.


Consistency means maintaining a strong work ethic and sticking to your goals over the long term. Equally important, staying committed to your goals requires discipline and perseverance, even when progress is slow. Consistency can grow by setting achievable goals, regularly tracking your progress, and celebrating your successes.


Lastly, commitment means sticking to your goals even when things get tough. Notably, it requires discipline and determination to keep pushing forward, even when encountering obstacles or setbacks. We build commitment with a clear purpose, focus on our efforts’ long-term benefits, and stay accountable to ourselves and others.

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